Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chill out? Hell yes.

I decided that one thing I want come back home from Washington is a more relaxed attitude. This may sound funny, but I feel like working in what could have been one of the most stressful and high-paced environments has really helped me put things in perspective.

I have a lot of stress in my life--quite a bit of it I bring upon myself. But the thing is--stressing won't solve life's many problems. Whether it's grade or being a poor college student (or poor young professional or whatever), worrying about money or school won't magically make your problems disappear. Balancing work and play is important, and it seems to be key that you are able to enjoy yourself at both.

I took my side job here way less seriously than I have taken any job ever, and I still got rave reviews from my boss. I guess maybe I'm slowly learning how to let things roll.

I've worked with some awesome and laid back people. They do their jobs very well, but they understand that they can't control everything. They have fun, and they seem to have everything in perspective, that is, it's all really just a job.

I'm not saying I've completely abandoned the high-stress way of life. I think my priorities have gotten a bit more straight though. Change is hard to make. I just like to think that the devil-may-care-come-what-may part of my life has come out a lot more while I'm here, but only in the best way.

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