Sunday, March 28, 2010

Everyone Needs a Spring Break

This weekend I took the opportunity to visit a friend in the Big Apple. Unlike other interns and all of my friends back at school, I didn't take a Spring Break. There's definitely some merit to the idea of giving yourself a break, even if it's a small one. After the gorgeous weather of the past few weeks I have to admit I was getting a bit of Spring Fever. While I've had my trip planned for awhile, I didn't really get excited about it until I was chan

Not only did I have an absolute blast stomping (at least part of) a new city, it was so great to see one of my really good friends. I spent way too much money, but if I had to do it all over again I would do it all the same. Except I would probably try not to loose my shoe...yes that's singular I only lost one and yes, I still have the other one. Don't worry about it.

We spent all day Saturday (and, let's be serious a good part of the night too) in the Greenwich Village area. I thought about how sometimes I just want to be a starving writing, (if you pass that public option I can do that and still have health care!), living in old clothes, eating Ramen noodles and smoking cheap cigarettes. Every time I get like this I have to remind myself that it's not 1994, the people in Rent probably had roaches as their roommates, and oh yeah, I'm a runner not a smoker.

And living in genteel poverty (my term for what I did this fall) is really not that glamorous. It just makes you hungry.

In the past year I've taken more weekend trips than usual: last summer I went up north (that's what we do where I'm from in the summer) and to the Great Midwestern City, this fall I went with a friend to visit another university for a football game, and now this past weekend. Sometimes a weekend away is all you need to be refreshed and ready to go. And good time spent with people that mean a lot to you--well, that one never hurts either.

Happy Spring Break all!

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